Roulet C-A, Flourentzou F, Labben H H, Richalet V
Bibliographic info:
EPIC '98, Volume 1, pp 275-280

Rating or ranking techniques are often used for checking compliance with regulations, evaluating the efficiency of a retrofit, or even labelling a building. However, the building is, in most cases, rated on very few parameters - when not only one - among many building qualities that should be taken into account. Within the frame of the Joule-Therrnie OFFICE project, a multicriteria ranking methodology, based on the ELECTRE family algorithms, is being developed. The aim of this methodology is to rate or rank office buildings according to an extended list of parameters, including: energy use for heating, cooling and other appliances;


  • energy use for heating, cooling and other appliances;
  • impact on external environment;
  • indoor environment quality,
  • cost.


A typical application of such a method is to determine if a retrofit scenario is globally better than another one, for a given building. The contribution presents the principles used in the method, and some examples of application on real buildings. Only a summary of the methodology can be presented in this handbook. More information will be given in a complete report