Korhonen P, Kokotti H, Kalliokoski P
Bibliographic info:
18th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and Cooling", Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997

The aim of the study was to investigate the operation of different types of ventilation in placesconstructed underground and ground level; the effect of ventilation on indoor radon levels wasalso examined. Air exchange rates and radon concentrations were measured in underground(n=73) and ground level (n=64) workplaces. Air exchange rates, designed exhaust ventilationflows, ventilation rates per person and area were sigmficantly higher in underground placesthan places constructed on the ground level. Mean of air exchange rate was significantly higherin places having only mechanical exhaust ventilation in the underground places than in theground level places and indoor radon concentration was slightly higher in ground level,whereas in the places having mechanical exhaust and supply ventilation the mean radonconcentration was almost twice higher in underground places. In general, all measures ofventilation were higher in underground places, except the ventilation rate per area against soil.This explains the radon concentration situation. The highest mean radon concentrations werefound when air exchange rates were below 3 h^-1. Ventilation was mainly effective altough, only30 % of originally designed ventilation flows were achieved.