Bjarne W. Olesen, Pawel Wargocki
Languages: English | Pages: 2 pp
Bibliographic info:
43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark - 4-5 October 2023

International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 78 was launched in 2018. The title of the Annex is “Supplementing Ventilation with Gas-phase Air Cleaning, Implementation, and Energy Implications.” The objective of the Annex is to bring researchers and industry together to investigate the possible energy benefits of using gas-phase air cleaners (partial substitute for ventilation) and establish procedures for improving indoor air quality or reducing the prescribed ventilation rates by gas-phase air cleaning; a test method for air cleaners that considers perceived air quality ratings is also included in the activities with the potential of developing a new standard.