The contaminant removal efficiency and the uniformity of contaminant concentration in the occupied zone of a room were studied in scale model with the following varying parameters : occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution system, air change rate, cooling load, contaminant sources distribution.
Results show that obstruction level, air distribution system, air change rate and cooling load have a small influence on contaminant removal efficiency and uniformity of contaminant concentration.
Contaminant distribution is not uniform in the occupied space mainly because of the non-uniformity of the contaminant sources. The author proposes a method to take this result into account when designing the air distribution system of a room.
Influence of the floor-based obstructions on contaminant removal efficiency and effectiveness
Bibliographic info:
Building and Environment, 2002 , Vol 37, pp 55-66 , 13 Fig., 1 Tab, 15 Ref.