Wall-mounted air conditioning systems including window-type and split-type air conditioners are widely used in Asian countries. However, these systems blow cold air directly into the working space perpendicular to the mounted wall and may make people affected by these air conditioners experience discomforts such as draught and uneven temperature distribution. Now a wall-mounted air conditioning system is expected to effectively implement the displacement ventilation system for space cooling and cold draught avoiding. Computer simulation method and experimental measurement were used to justify this new system design. Thermal comfort indices (PMV & PPD) as well as temperature and velocity patterns were reported in this paper. The results show that the displacement ventilation system, which was designed for a centralized air conditioning system in the past, can now be implemented in a rather small-scaled residential air conditioning system.
Implementation of displacement ventilation system by using a wall mounted air conditioner.

Bibliographic info:
UK, Oxford, Elsevier, 2000, proceedings of Roomvent 2000, "Air Distribution in Rooms: Ventilation for Health and Sustainable Environment", held 9-12 July 2000, Reading, UK, Volume 2, pp 731-736