King D
Bibliographic info:
UK, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), 1998, Proceedings of "Harnessing technology for sustainable development", CIBSE National Conference '98, held Bournemouth International Conference Centre, 18-20 October 1998, pp 1-8

A concept design is proposed for a new generation of superstores, which addresses the global problem of Carbon Dioxide emissions and the demand of retail traders for increasing economies in energy. The new superstore building has been engineered from the ground up to incorporate the current best practice in environmental design. With application of suitable energy conservation technologies it is proposed that this approach will provide a retail environment fit for the next millem1ium and achieve a 50% reduction in Carbon Dioxide emissions over a conventional supermarket. The new superstore is designed to achieve an excellent rating for Carbon Dioxide reduction measures under the BREEAM environmental assessment method.