The manufactures tests of windows in Europe are executed in accordance with the CE-directive. Air- and water tightness testing are performed in accordance with EN 1026 and classified in accordance with EN12207. Air- and water leakage measurements are performed under laboratory conditions using a test chamber and accurately air- and water flow and pressure difference. This type of test has the advantage that large numbers of samples can be examined under similar conditions eliminating effects of climatic factors. On site many cases of water leakage in newly installed and sealed windows are observed. Investigations are therefore set out by contractors to detect where the leakages are and why they occur. The crofters test method often consists of a garden hose or garden fan for spraying water to smaller parts of the surface of the window in question and to adjacent joints primarily for a visual evaluation of where the water penetrates the construction. As this test often is used with none or very little pressure difference the method is not sufficient to detect all leakages under different conditions. Specialized consultants and further testing are therefore called for. The testing of air leakage of windows on site can be evaluated by fan technique, infrared camera or using ultra sound. The testing of water leakages of windows on site is however more difficult and standards for this type of testing is lacking. Due to the quality of workmanship, installation technique and the transportation of components, the situation on site differ significantly from the laboratory based situation at the manufacturer and comparison of test results are therefore often out of proportion. This paper presents three cases of water- and air leakage in windows. In all cases a simple test method using a blowerdoor, an in situ placed pipe providing a water film, some cardboard, a digital camera and an infrared camera has proven successful.
Field Determination of Water Penetration of Windows using Blowerdoor and Infrared Camera

Bibliographic info:
6th International BUILDAIR Symposium on Building and Ductwork Airtightness, 6 May 2011, Berlin, Germany