The paper deals with a numerical investigation of the influence of ventilation and airconditioning on the distribution of pollutant concentrations in buildings. The model used is acoupled thermal and airflow model where the room is divided into 18 sub-zones.Temperatures and pressures are determined from the mass and energy conservation equationsin each sub-zone, while airflow rates between two adjacent sub-zones are determined from theBernoulli equation. The model also considers the so-called sink effect of the walls byincluding equations for boundary layer diffusion, diffusion in the pores of building materialsand adsorption/desorption at the solid interfaces.The room concentration profiles and occupantss daily exposure have been determined fortwo acetone sources and three different ventilation and air conditioning systems. First, theimpact of the wall and acetone interactions on the predicted occupants exposure isdemonstrated by comparing the indices calculated when these interactions are considered andwhen they are not. Then, the paper focuses on the case of displacement ventilation withsupply air containing the contaminant. Particular emphasis is put on demonstrating how thelocation of the contaminant source may influence the concentration distribution in the roomair and the resulting ventilation effectiveness.
Distribution of room air contaminant concentrations as a function of ventilation and air cooling: a numerical investigation

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 410-415, 3 Fig., 4 Ref.