Nitschke I A. et al.
Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air. Vol.5. Buildings, Ventilation and Thermal Climate. Edited by B Berglund, T Lindvall, J Sundell. Swedish Council for Building Research, 1984. 111-116, 2 tabs, 3 refs.

As part of a comprehensive indoor air quality and infiltration field study, radon concentrations were measured in 60 houses in upstate New York using passive integrating monitors. Indoor air radon concentrations ranged from 0.2 pCi/1 to 50 pCi/1. Four houses with the highest radon levels were then extensively monitored using real-time continuous instruments for the measurement of radon, radon daughters, respirable particles, infiltration, inside-outside pressure difference, and weather parameters. Several inexpensive radon mitigation techniques were tested in these four houses.Their effectiveness ranged widely. Techniques identified as effective were permanently installed in 14 houses having indoor air radon concentrations above 2 pCi/1. Finally, the long-term effectiveness of the installed control techniques is being tested using passive integrating radon monitors.