Sherman M H, Modera M P
Bibliographic info:
Measured air leakage of buildings. A symposium on performance of building constructions, Philadelphia 2-3 April 1984. ASTM Special Technical Publication 904. Edited by H R Trechsel and P L Lagus. ASTM 1986. p325-347. 9 figs, 4 tabs, 13 refs. #DATE 00:00:1

The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) infiltration model was developed in 1980; since that time many simultaneous measurements of infiltration and weather have been made, allowing comparison of predictions with measured infiltration. This report presents the LBL model as it currently exists andsummarizes infiltration measurements and corresponding predictions. Thesemeasurements include both long-term and short-term data taken in houses with climates ranging from the mild San Francisco Bay area the the more extreme Midwest. These data also provide a data base for comparison with other infiltration models and provide a starting point for the determination of the accuracy and precision of air infiltration models.