Palmer J, Perera E, White M K
Bibliographic info:
UK, London, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), 1999, Proceedings of "Engineering in the 21st century - the changing world", CIBSE National Conference '99, held 4-5 October 1999, Harrogate International Centre, pp 270-277

A major concern of those wishing to limit the energy use in buildings is the growing trend towards installing air-conditioning in new and refurbished  buildings. The Airlit - PV project has taken this challenge and has designed a novel fa9ade unit incorporating the latest thinking in solar control, natural ventilation, daylighting and photovoltaic power. By careful design and intelligent control the goal is to reduce the impact of solar and internal gains to such an extent that mechanical cooling is not required to maintain comfort conditions. The project is co-funded by the EU as part of the Joule programme and in the UK by the DETR as part of the Partners in Innovation initiative.