Research was undertaken to provide buildings equipped with mechanical exhaust ventilation systems or natural ventilation with reasonable draught-free efficient ventilation. One possible solution for existing detached houses and multi-storey residential buildings is a supply air window. Recent research in Finland shows that, for the best method, about 6.0 dm3/s of outdoor air per light area m2 can be taken in through the wooden construction double-paned window without draught. The incoming air was heated to about 50% of thetemperature difference between the inner and outer air. Draught in the room was mainly at ankle level. The best results were obtained by taking airthrough holes in the upper sash of the inner pane with a deflector inside directing the air upwards. The supply air window is more vulnerable tomoisture condensation than an ordinary weatherstripped window.
Air intake arrangements of the supply air window from the view of comfort and ventilation efficiency.

Bibliographic info:
Window Design and Maintenance Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 19-20 June 1984. 7pp, 4 figs, 2 refs.