Air infiltration through various types of wood frame construction.

Describes test apparatus and procedure and gives results of air leakage tests on various types of wood frame construction. Also gives the results of tests on the effect of adding sheathing paper, plaster, wall paper and paint. Concludes that air leakage through a frame wall construction containing building paper or plaster properly applied is negligibly small. Single-surfaced walls showed considerable leakage.

Air leakage values for residential windows.

Reviews sources of window air leakage information in the current ASHRAE guide and data book, and standards for air leakage values recommended by industry. Gives results of air leakage tests made on thirty-nine residential windows. Concludes that test results forming the basis of the present guide and data book table are still valid for modern windows of the types covered. Of the new types, sliding residential-type windows have similar characteristics to wood double-hung windows covered by the guide.

The use of sound to locate infiltration openings in buildings

Suggests the use of sound waves to locate openings in buildings that allow air infiltration. Reports results of an experimental program, including laboratory tests of a specially constructed partition and field tests on eight buildings. 

Experimental techniques for wind tunnel tests on model buildings.

Describes experimental techniques used in the low-speed wind tunnels at the Building Research Station when studying air flow around buildings and pressure distribution over their surfaces. Includes flow visualisation both in the stream and in boundary layers over surfaces, velocity measurements around small-scale models, and methods of building models containing pressure tappings. Gives names of suppliers and details of some instruments and equipments. Describes in an appendix how a simply constructed heated-sphere anemometer is made.

Automated instrumentation for air infiltration measurements in buildings.

Describes automated instrumentation using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas in residential housing to determine rates of air infiltration in houses. Discusses in detail the principles of operation, necessary calibration procedures and early field data. Concentration levels of SF6 are maintained at the partsper million level in the buildings and are measured by sensitive electron capture detectors in conJunction with a gas chromatograph.

Ventilation of buildings : fresh air requirements.

Discusses reasons for ventilating buildings and theories of ventilation. Summarises American and British recommendations for fresh air supplies. Concludes that the necessary volume of fresh air per person per minute varies considerably with thecircumstances but these volumes can be determined from the fundamental considerations.

Effect of frame caulking and storm windows on infiltration around and through window

Describes apparatus and test procedure of tests made to show the effect of caulking the crack between the brick wall and window frame and the effect of applying storm sash to the window on air leakage rates. Concludes that the crack between the brick wall and window frame is a very important factor in calculating the infiltration into a room, but that this source of leakage can be practically eliminated by caulking the crack.

Air leakage through a pivoted metal window

Presents results of air leakage tests made on a pivoted window in the Grand Central Palace building under both natural and artificial wind pressures

The weathertightness of rolled section steel windows.

Presents method and results of laboratory tests on the air leakage of rolled section steel windows. Results show that steel windows manufactured of solid rolled sections are, on the average, more weathertight than wood windows.

Ventilation in relation to toxic and flammable gases in buildings.

Discusses toxic and flammable gases and vapours that lead to hazards in buildings. Examines trends in accidental deaths in the home in England and Wales from gas poisoning. Discusses influence of buoyancy on the dilution by ventilation air of accidental leaks of toxic and flammable gases and shows where buoyancy dominates layers can readily form. Presents theoretical results for controlling gas hazards in buildings by ventilation for a wide range of practical situations.
