Ventilation measurement using gas-chromatographic analysis of sulphur hexafluoride. Ventilationsmatning med gaskromatografisk analys av svavelhexafluorid.

Describes use of SF6 in tracer gas studies to determine solvent fumes in indoor and outdoor environments and how meteorological conditions affect SO2 content of atmosphere. Lists instrumentation used. Discusses properties of SF6 and properties required of a tracer gas, calibration and comparison of U.S. and Swedish results. Lists practical problems both general and specific to gas chromatography and factors affecting results. Suggests future development prospects stating advantage that lower concentrations of SF6 are required compared with N2O for examples.

The variation of infiltration rate with relative humidity in a frame building

Describes investigation of air infiltration in a house using chlorothene as a tracer gas. Gives table of the data collected. Reports the unexpected result that infiltration rates could bereduced by increasing inside relative humidity. Suggests this is due to changes in hygroscopic building materials, especially wood. Concludes that increasing relative humidity from 20 to 40%could save from 5 to 15% on fuel costs. This analysis does not take into account the energy used to evaporate humidification water.

Natural infiltration routes and their magnitude in houses-part 1.

A supply of fresh air is necessary in any dwelling to ensure a comfortable, safe and hygienic environment, but the heat loss to this air, during the heating season, may represent a substantial proportion of the total heat loss. This points to the need forgreater control of domestic ventilation, either by using a mechanical system or by better design for natural ventilation. This paper touches upon both of these possibilities. Gives simple method for assessing approximately the possible reduction in heat loss achieved by the use of a mechanical ventilation system.

Infiltration - pressurization correlations: detailed measurements on a California house.

Describes detailed study of infiltration rates measured with a tracer gas and air leakage rates obtained from fan pressurization in small, 3 - bedroom California house as part of a larger study. Finds surface pressure measurements are an essential step in process of finding a correlation between natural air infiltration and air leakage by pressurization. Measurements also show significant duct leakage and air flow between attic, living space and crawl space.

Method for calculating air exchange in domestic rooms.

Derives equations for the calculation of air-change-rate in a room where carbon dioxide is being produced at a known rate using the measured initial and final concentrations of CO2. Also derives expression for the calculation of air-change-rate with no source of CO2 but a high initial concentration

Effect of fluctuating wind pressures on natural ventilation.

Describes research project which aimed to quantify the difference between actual dynamic ventilation rates and natural ventilation rates predicted using a steady state model. 

Analysis of infiltration by tracer gas technique, pressurization tests and infrared scans.

Reports the investigation of the natural ventilation of three test houses. Describes the houses which were of standard design. Natural ventilation rates were measured using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. An energy audit was also performed using a fan to pressurize and depressurize the house and an infrared scanner to detect the leakage paths. The tracer gas measurements were converted to a format similar to thepressurization results by using a previously developed model. Gives results in the form of graphs.

Instrumenting energy audits.

Discusses ways of increasing accuracy and thoroughness of energy audits of buildings by use of specialized instruments and improved audit techniques. States air infiltration measurements are key item in audit procedure. Describes 'house doctor' kitwhich with records of past energy usage, knowledge of prevailing weather and a questionnaire are used to establish the energy signature of a house. The kit includes blower door, infrared camera, temperature probes and appliance consumption meter. Describes simple tracer gas method using sulphur hexafluoride collected in sample bottles.

Ventilation with open windows

Shows need for intermittent high ventilation in dwellings to remove water vapour and odours. Suggests openable windows as the simplest and most common method of ventilation control. Gives air-change-rates in two british houses using carbon dioxide andnitrous oxide as tracer gases, showing the effect of opening windows. Shows that increase in ventilation rate caused by opening windows can be tenfold and is not confined to the room with the open window. Closing of internal doors has a significant effect. Describes investigation of air flow within rooms using smoke.

Sulphur hexafluoride as a gas-air tracer.

Give method for collecting and analysing sulphur hexafluoride used as a tracer gas. The gas is separated by gas chromatography from other components of moist air on columns of silica gel and activated carbon in series and is detected by electron-capture analysis in concentrations near 1 p.p.b. states that sensitivity can be enhanced at least 2000-fold by freeze-out concentration. States that SF6 backgrounds in air are undetectable except near leakage sources such as transformers.
