The link between IAQ and maintenance.

The energy and indoor climate performances of the recent housing stock in Belgium: outcome of the Vliet-Senvivv study.

A systematic analysis of recently constructed dwellings in the Flemish Region has been undertaken within the SENVIVV-project (1995-1998). In total 200 dwellings have been examined in detail. The study involved various aspects: energy related building data (thermal insulation level, net heating demand, installed heating power, .. ), indoor climate (temperature levels in winter and summer), building airtightness, ventilation, appreciation of the occupants, . . . This paper especially focuses on the results for thermal insulation, airtightness and ventilation.

A comparison of passive stack ventilation and mechanical extract fans in reducing condensation problems in homes.

A study comparing the effectiveness (as reported by occupants) of passive stack ventilation (PSY) and mechanical extract fans (MEFs) was carried out during the winter of 1996. This involved a face-to-face survey of 437 homes in England. More than 50% of the homes in the study had MEFs, 14% had PSV and 8% had humidistat-controlled MEFs (HMEFs). About 25% of the homes had either a kitchen or a bathroom with no ventilation device and 16% had no ventilation device in the home.

Evaluation of site-specific risk assessment for contaminated lands.

This report provides the results of a two-phased study conducted for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to examine the practices and variability amongst practitioners of contaminated sites risk assessment in Canada. Phase I consisted of a survey of practitioners in the private and regulatory sectors. The intent of the private sector survey was to characterize the capabilities and experience of private firms engaged in human health risk assessment across Canada.
