Air quality on commercial aircraft.

ASHRAE is developing a standard to ensure cabin air quality 1) is safe for flight and occupants; 2) minimizes the potential for adverse health effects; and 3) is comfortable to occupants. ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.3, Transportation Air Conditioning, issued a work statement for the study, "Relate Air Quality and Other Factors to Symptoms Reported by Passengers and Crew on Commercial Transport Category Aircraft." The study's purpose is to support the development of ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 161P, Air Quality in Transport Category Commercial Aircraft. 

Evaluation of air terminal units test methods: influence of inlet parameters on performance.

This study focuses on the way to apply CEN test methods to a full range of air diffusers and is dedicated to the improvement of these methods proposed by the CEN TC l 56/WG4 of which both authors are members. Air terminals of different sizes have been tested on aerodynamic and acoustic aspects both in a Spanish and a French laboratory. The tests were made according to pr EN 12238 ''Air Terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing and rating for mixed flow applications" and to EN 25135 (ISO 5135).

Ventilation hygiene standards - an overview.


Ventilation for buildings - Design criteria for the indoor environment.

This Technical Report has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/fC 1 56, Ventilation for buildings. This Technical Report is intended to assist in providing an acceptable indoor environment for people in ventilated buildings.This Technical Report specifies the requirements for, and methods of expressing the quality of the indoor environment for the design, collllllissioning, operation and control of ventilation and airconditioning systems. This Technical Report covers indoor environments where the major concern is the hwnan occupation but excludes dwellings.

Indoor air quality for residential buildings.

ASHRAE has long been in the business of ventilation, but most of the focus of that effort has been in the area of commercial and institutional buildings. Residential ventilation traditionally was not a major concern because it was felt that between operable windows and envelope leakage, people were getting enough air. In the quarter of a century since the first oil shock, houses have become much more energy efficient. At the same time, the kinds of materials and functions in houses were changing in character in response to people's needs.

Test method of heat recovery units in single houses.

The study was to test five units used in single house mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery. Tests were made according to CEN project prepared by CEN TC 156/WG2/AH7 including air tightness, pressure-airflow's curves and temperature ratios. A full test on frost and condensation was also realised on one unit to determine the influence of these parameters on performances. Test results, influence of wet or dry conditions and main conclusions for using these results in dimensioning, will be given.

Analysis of the ventilation requirements in parking garages.

In this paper, analysis of the ventilation requirements of enclosed vehicular parking facilities is discussed. First, a compilation of existing U.S. and international standards and codes pertinent to the ventilation of enclosed parking facilities is presented. Then, the results of a field testing study are summarised to determine the actual ventilation rates and the contaminant levels in seven U. S. enclosed parking garages. Finally, this paper presents a new design method that provides the minimum ventilation rate requirements for enclosed parking facilities.

Thermal comfort and indoor air quality in forty-three flights.

This paper reports the results of thermal comfort and indoor air quality studies in forty-three flights with a duration of more than one hour. The measurements were performed continuously during the whole flight (from the departure gate to the arrival gate) and the parameters monitored were temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration. The results were then compared with the ASHRAE Standards for the thermal and indoor air quality.
