Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 06/25/2014 - 18:21
This application paper outlines some innovative building simulation methodologies used to predict thermal performance of complex energy efficient systems using commercially available softwares. Industry case studies are presented to demonstrate how simulation can influence the design process with requirements varying from zero carbon emissions to optimum thermal comfort. Simplifications used to reduce computational time and handle software limitations are assessed in regards to model accuracy and the ability to influence the design decision process.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 06/17/2014 - 15:25
The properties of transparent plaster covering transparent insulation materials (TIM) were investigated using a whole building simulation program (ESP-r). The outer plaster was made from glass balls of different diameter, glued together with synthetic resin. The transmittance of the whole transparent covering layer (plaster + TIM) was estimated for different solar incident angles by laboratory measurements. The innovative character of the materials required refining of ESP-r’s optical database in order to take into account these new characteristics.
Esta casa solar es una casa tradicional, con paredes de piedra y techos de pizarra. Incluye elementos de la arquitectura tradicional. Las nuevas tecnologas que tienen en cuenta las condiciones ambientales de la vivienda tambin se han introducido. Las ultimas teoras sobre sostenibilidad tambin han guiado la construccin de este edificio. La casa esta construida en el Principado de Andorra, a 1260m sobre el nivel del mar. Los pirineos le dan un clima alpino, con inviernos fros (-12C) y veranos templados (29C) El sistema solar combina los sistemas activos y pasivos.
This paper reports on a field investigation of the effect of screening on the induced flow rate in solar chimneys. The solar chimney considered here was a roof solar collector (RSC). It is composed of CPAC monier concrete tiles, an air gap and gypsum board. Two RSC units were integrated into the south-facing roof of a centre single room house of 25 m3 volume. Different types of screening were considered, namely: mosquito net, square net, metal grille and nylon filter.
Actually and in the near future, due to the necessity of refrigeration, the need of thermal energy dissipation systems will be increased. One of the best element, is the cooling tower, but it has one mean inconvenient, what is the use of a fan. The use of the fan has the following misfortunes: waste of energy, noise, vibration and dissemination of Legionella, if it is present.
A comprehensive modelling of a compact double skin facade equipped with a venetian blind is proposed here. The modelling is done using CFD approach to asses the air movement inside the ventilated facade channel and appropriate radiation model for long and short wave exchanges. The impact of solar radiation on temperature and velocity fields as a function of some parameters such as beam radiation incidence angle, blade angle of solar protection, etc. is analysed.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the human thermal response in occupied spaces subjected to direct solar radiation. In this study, done in a full scale compartment equipped with an airconditioning system, a thermal-manikin (to simulate the human body posture), a multi-nodal human
In the scope of the EU supported project RESHYVENT, the possible integration of Renewable Energy Solutions (RES) into hybrid ventilation systems has been analysed. The focus has been on solar and wind applications to substitute the use of fossil fuel. The feasibility of the investigated options depends on the ventilation concept the RES is integrated into, the location of the building geographically, placement of the RES in the building and on the urban environment.
Research has shown that highly efficient solar powered ceiling fans improve thermal comfort and potentially provide health benefits when air conditioning or conventional ceiling fans are not available, such as during the 2003 summer heat waves in Europe, and in many undeveloped areas of the world. Ceiling fans can improve the spatial effectiveness of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. They can reduce air conditioning energy use if occupants increase thermostat set-points and reduce frequency of operation, and if waste heat from the fan motor is minimized.
An increasing impact of ventilation and air-conditioning to the total energy consumption of buildings has drawn attention to natural ventilation and passive cooling. The very common way of natural ventilation in residential buildings is passive stack ventilation. The passive stack ventilation relies on the stack effect created by the temperature difference between air temperature inside and outside a building.