Indoor air pollution and ventilation in sound insulated dining kitchens.

Presents new data acquired by experiments on the ventilation rates and the indoor air pollution caused by combustion in the dining-kitchens of sound-insulated houses. Ventilation rates were measured by means of tracer gas decay, using CO2 and CO as the tracer gases. Indoor air pollution was estimated from the elevation of CO and CO2 levels, and the effect of supply or exhaust fan systems on the control of ventilation was deduced from the level of air pollution and ventilation rates.

Air-to-air heat exchangers for houses.

Describes more then 35 kinds of small inexpensive exchangers from countries including the USA, Canada, Japan, and Sweden heat exchangers are designed to expel stale air with full recovery of the heat energy in the outgoing air. Includes detailed information on indoor pollutants, a directory of manufacturers, distributors and experts, an index of trade names, a bibliography and a subject index.

Distribution of airborne pollution in ventilated buildings with stratified recirculating airflow. Forureningsfordeling i ventilerede lokalermed plan recirkulerende luftstromning

In many buildings the incoming ventilation air causes recirculating airflow. Diagrams show typical examples. The incoming air stream enters below the ceiling level and carries air from the building with it causing air movement greater than th

The content of gases, vapours and dust in the indoor air of modern homes. Luftens indhold af gasharter, dampe og stov i nyere boliger.

Measurements were undertaken of basic indoor air pollution in the childrens' room in 39 occupied flats, built within the past 20 years, and in seven newly-built one-family houses ready for occupation. 

Air quality and ventilation. Raumluftqualitat und luftung.

Air pollutants caused by man were measured in a test chamber. Variables were number of persons and their activities and the rate of the air change. During test sessions of two hours the temperature, the relative humidity, the carbon-dioxide and intensity of odors were measured. There was a significant correlation between the odor intensities and the concentrations of carbon-dioxide independent of the number of persons and the air change rate.At air change rates of 12-15m**3 per person and per hour, the carbon-dioxide concentration was not higher then 0.

Combustion-generated indoor air pollution 1. Field measurements 8/75-10/75.

The indoor air quality of six homes with gas and electric cooking and gas heating appliances was characterized to determine the level of gaseous and aerosol air pollutants from typical indoor combustion sources. 

Indoor pollutants.

The report was prepared, at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency by the Committee on Indoor Pollutants. It outlines the scope of the problems regarding indoor pollutants and discusses their sources, their effects on human health and welfare, the technologies available for their control or abatement, and concerns about the effects of energy-conservation strategies on indoor concentrations of pollutants. It approaches the subject of indoor pollution from three viewpoints: 1. Physical factors, such as indoor pollutant sources and concentrations. 2.

Organic contaminants in indoor air and their relation to outdoor contaminants.

Describes a sampling system developed to collect, analyze and identify organic contaminants in air over as wide a range of molecular carbon number range as possible. Describes sampling technique and reports results of sampling in 36homes in the Chicago area. Two samples were taken simultaneously inside and outside. Fifteen homes were sampled in both summer and winter.< Concludes that people are exposed to a wide range of organic compounds on average at concentrations of below 100ppb.

Air quality in living and working places. Luftqualitat in Wohn -und Arbeitsraumen.

Air quality inside buildings depends on the contamination of outside air as well as on the air pollution inside the room. The human being contaminates the air through carbon dioxide, odours, vapours and particulates. The most important sources of pollution are tobacco smoke, consumer materials (organic solvents), building materials and furniture fittings (formaldehyde) and the use of gas for cooking and heating (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide).< Discusses these pollutants and reported levels of pollution in Swiss buildings. Discusses methods of removing pollutants from the air.

Combustion-generated indoor air pollution.

Describes Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's air pollution research project, giving the main goals, parameters to be measured and instrumentation. Describes studies, using an experimental room of 27 cu.m., which measure the emissions from a gas stove operating under air change rates of from 0.25 to 10 changes per hour. Gives graphs of results. Finds that gas stoves generate extremely high concentrations of pollutants when the air change rate is less than one per hour.
