The effect of retrofit conservation measures on air quality in existing homes.

Looks at some studies that have been done to see if the retrofits have actually changed indoor air quality and changed pollutant concentrations. The first study (1981) of 18 homes in Washington state used the house doctor technique. The second study was of two homes in Medford, Oregon and one in Cranbury, New Jersey, all monitored for two weeks. The third study was of two identical houses in Rockville, Maryland, monitored over a year. One of them was retrofitted using the house doctor technique, as a result of which air leakage dropped by 40%. A fourth study of fifty houses is mentioned.

Natural ventilation in large and multicelled buildings: theory, measurement and prediction.

In this programme of work, methodologies for determining infiltration rates of large and complex buildings have been established. Theoretical considerations suggested that comprehensive information regarding interzonal air movements might be obtained from experimental techniques using multiple tracer gases. Field measurements to determine interzonal flows were carried out in office buildings using automated measurement systems developed for this purpose. Simpler techniques were found to be needed and were developed.
