Ground source heat pumps.


Economics, testing and evaluation of an exhaust air heat pump for R.2000 (tight) houses.

Three balanced airflow ventilation devices were evaluated, an exhaust and supply fan (E&SF), air-to-air heat exchanger (ATAHE), and exhaust air heat pump (EAHP), which can be used to increase the ventilation rate in an R-2000 (tightly constructed) type house. A prototype of the EAHP, which uses a combination of heat pipe and heat pump, was built and tested. A frosting and non-frosting version of the EAHP were evaluated. The non frosting version provided the best overall performance.

Domestic ventilation heat recovery using heat pumps.

The application of heat pumps to ventilation heat recovery in domestic houses is considered. It is shown that the most effective system is a combination of heat pump and heat recovery unit; a plate heat exchanger is the type commonly used. Such units are now commercially available, and can provide heat at a lower cost per kilowatt hour than the Economy 7 tariff. The performance of several units is presented, and seasonal running costs have been computed for a house equivalent to the Capenhurst low energy house design.

Two Swedish houses with superinsulation and warm air heating.

Examines the design of two houses, built in 1982, which integrate an exhaust air heat pump and a warm air heating system into a very well insulated structure. Monitored during 1983-84, they consumed 50% less energy than a typical Swedish house. Apart from occasional (avoidable) high temperatures, the warm air heating system led to a comfortable indoor climate. The performance of the houses could be improved by installing energy conservation appliances. The house of the future should be tight, well-insulated and mechanically ventilated.
