Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 06/24/2014 - 11:39
The transient accessibility of supply air (TASA) and transient accessibility of contaminant source (TACS) in ventilated rooms are important indices to evaluate the effect of ventilation and the indoor air quality (IAQ). These indices can be measured by experimental method or calculated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. Compared to the measurement method, the numerical method has a lot of advantages such as fast, flexible and with detailed data. In this paper, the calculation and validation of the TASA and TACS are introduced.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 06/18/2014 - 11:03
In the design of indoor winter sports facilities Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are used to calculate the velocity and temperature distribution throughout the space, in order to complement traditional mechanical design and increase confidence into the proposed design. This process is described here using the example of a competitive curling rink. In the introduction the capabilities and limitations of CFD simulations are briefly lined out. The physics of the model of the curling venue are described.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 11/06/2013 - 09:18
The existence of air leakages in a building has been very clearly stated as an important reason for energy loss. The decrease in the efficiency of the mechanical ventilation has also been clarified. The global demand for achieving nearly zero-energy buildings makes the uncontrolled leakage paths even more undesired. Despite the fact that steady state measurements of in- and exfiltration rates offer a simple and easy way of estimating the airtightness level of an eclosure, a supplement to those methods might be imposed.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 11/05/2013 - 18:06
Air quality in offices depends on the ventilation system ability to remove contaminants from the occupied zone. In a low polluted building air quality mainly depends on the human presence and carbon dioxide is normally used as indicator of human bioeffluents.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 20:09
Wind is a potential dominant factor regarding the air infiltration through building envelopes. Due to its dynamic characteristics, quite complex aerodynamic phenomena arise around a structure or through cracks and openings. Energy perfomance is influenced by the climate conditions and thus it should be much more researched. Despite the fact that steady state measurements of infiltration rates offer a simple and easy way of estimating an enclosure’s airtightness level, a supplement to those methods might be imposed.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 13:05
In order to insulate buildings more efficiently, many insulation methods have been proposed and successfully applied to the building envelope, including areas such as walls and windows. However, it is also important to insulate window frames efficiently because they usually contribute the greatest heat loss. The authors propose a new dynamic insulation system for window frames, with an active ventilation function and a heat pump for heat recovery.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 10:13
The use of CFD technique for predicting the properties of airflow fields and particle movement is effective to carry out parametric study intended for a wide range of particle sizes. In this study, particle dispersions due to turbulent flow and thermophoretic effect were analyzed for a simplified ventilator model. Numerical results that comprise a classification of particle motion, temperature difference and particle diameter were reported.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Mon, 10/28/2013 - 12:31
The air pumping effect of a fire plume, proposed years ago, to give a higher air intake rate through vertical openings in a compartment fire is further investigated in this paper. Equations for the air intake rate through vertical openings found in the literature are reviewed. As most of the reported correlation expressions were derived empirically from experiments, results might be different if the fire geometry, fuel type and ambient conditions are different.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Mon, 10/28/2013 - 12:21
This study presents an optimization method of sensor layout to improve identification accuracy of indoor contaminant sources. The method integrates an index, the performance of sensor layout (PSL), with a two-step screening procedure to determine sensor layouts that have potential to achieve relatively high levels of accuracy in source identification. Using the PSL, the performance of each possible sensor layout can be predicted and evaluated, and therefore the optimization method can be performed without running a source identification model.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Mon, 10/28/2013 - 10:38
The need to protect susceptible patients from cross-infection resulting from airborne pathogens is essential in hospitals, especially when patient immunity is either suppressed due to medical procedures or compromised by ailment. Personalised ventilation (PV) is a method of creating a local zone of high air quality around such patients. However, contemporary PV techniques are based on mechanical ventilation, which adds to the energy burden of healthcare buildings. In single-bed wards, a potential source of infection could be other occupants such as visitors and healthcare workers.