CO2 - powerful IAQ diagnostic tool.

Trickle ventilators: effective natural background ventilation for offices.

Approved Document (AD Part F1) of the Building Regulations [1] for England and Wales identifies trickle ventilators as an option for providing natural background ventilation in commercial buildings. This paper reports the results of a field measurement study carried out at BRE during the winter of 1994/95 to assess the effectiveness of trickle ventilators. Two occupied office rooms were equipped with trickle ventilators and measurements were carried out for a fortnight period in each office, with the ventilators closed during the first week followed by a week with them open.

Experiences of measures taken to improve the air quality in schools.

The ventilation standard was investigated in a large number of school buildings located in Gothenburg, Sweden as part of a current large-scale renovation programme. This article reports on experiences from the reconstruction work involved. Results from air quality measurements comprising TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) and CO2 measurements are presented. The results show that the indoor air quality is considerably influenced by outdoor contamination sources and that cleaning products and floor polish can, temporarily, add to the pollution content in classrooms.
