Sick building syndrome has up until recently been diagnosed from complaints by the users of the building. Specific causes of complaints symptoms usually have not been identified. Inspection methods have been limited. Frequency of sick buil
Approximately 40% of the energy consumption in Sweden is utilized in the heating of buildings. In order to reduce the amount of energy utilized for heating purposes, more stringent thermal insulation requirements for buildings were introduced.
A benchmark study by Geomet Technologies, Inc, is developing data on the air quality effects of weatherizing a home. One effort under this study has bee nhas been an experiment carefully designed to quantify the relationships between the thr
Since 1973 there has been greater emphasis in Sweden on energy production and energy saving, but the products have often been of dubious design or benefit, and too expensive to be applied to normal residential Scandinavian housing. The economic
A handbook of constuction techniques for achieving a low air change rate and good insulation in steel buildings. Insulating materials and how to avoid cold bridges are discussed. Air leakage, moisture problems and comfort questions are also considered. Examples are presented of a small industrial building andof a tennis hall.
The Heat Protection Ordinance (Warmeschutzverordnung EnEG) issued in 1977 aimed to reduce heating energy consumption and has become part of the building ordinances. Beside the heat transmission resistance (k-value-a measure for the size of the heat transmission losses), also the crack flow exponent (a-value) has been controlled to reduce ventilating heat losses. Practical experience has shown that, without mechanical ventilation, hygienic, physiological and building physical disadvantages will turn up.
A short description of a second generation low-energy house built at Hjortekaer in 1984, with a calculated annual heat demand of 3500 kWh (excluding domestic hot water), is given. The house is superinsulated and very airtight. The roof and walls are insulated with 400 and 300 mm of high quality mineral wool respectively, with infinitesimal thermal bridges, and the floor is a slab-on-grade construction insulated with 200 mm polystyrene. Most of the windows are south facing and fitted with a new type of lightweight external insulating shutter.
Examines the design of two houses, built in 1982, which integrate an exhaust air heat pump and a warm air heating system into a very well insulated structure. Monitored during 1983-84, they consumed 50% less energy than a typical Swedish house. Apart from occasional (avoidable) high temperatures, the warm air heating system led to a comfortable indoor climate. The performance of the houses could be improved by installing energy conservation appliances. The house of the future should be tight, well-insulated and mechanically ventilated.
Radon-222 and 222Rn progeny concentrations, barometric pressure and pressure differentials between inside and outside were measured continuously in the basement of a recently constructed energy-efficient house in metropolitan Denver, Colorado
Discusses control of condensation, and moisture transfer through walls. Various air pressure barriers are suggested to control leakage. One-, two- and three-stage joint methods of wall construction are compared.