Energy research pertaining to buildings in Finland

Describes the main energy R and D projects in the building sector which are financed by the Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry. Projects in the 1970's included improving the air tightness of buildings, and balancing and controlling ventilation systems. Projects started in the 1980's include energy-economic improvement of ventilation and the building envelope, and development of heat pumps.

Cost of energy conservation measures for new housing.

Presents the extra costs in new housing of a number of measures designed to reduce space heating costs. The measures used to reduce energy consumption in new houses in Sakatoon were:< 1. airtightness with controlled ventilation< 2. superinsulation< 3. use of the south windows for passive solar gain.< States that results are applicable in most parts of the Canadian prairie.

Current knowledge concerning ventilation heat losses. Aktueller stand der kenntnisse - luftungswarme-verluste

Treats the three main factors contributing to ventilation heat loss- natural air exchange driven by wind pressure and temperature differences, air exchange caused by the user and forced air change under the influence of exhaust air installati

Norwegian buildings must be made tighter. Norsk boliger ma bygges tettere

Points of view from Norwegian Building Research Institute resulting from nationwide investigation into building airtightness. Notes significance of airtightness conditions in apartments and single family dwellings.

Air tightness measurements of detached houses in the Saskatoon area.

The purpose of the study was to identify the air tightness levels of a group of 176 houses in Saskatoon, using a pressure test procedure. The houses were categorized according to age, air tightness levels, construction style and contractor. It was found that age was the most significant variable affecting airtightness.

Tracer gas in the USA. Spargas i USA

Describes the use of SF6 tracer gas measurement techniques employed in airtightness and ventilation research at Princeton in terraced housing. Notes use of measurement results for constructing models describing the total adventitious ventilation in a house. Refers also to similar techniques used in research at Berkeley in single family dwellings.

Applicability of a measuring method for determining the airtightness of houses. Toepassing en consequenties van een meetmethode voor de luchtdoorlatendheid van woningen.

As part of a study by the Building Research Foundation on control methods for the thermal quality of homes, research has been carried out into the usefulness and consequences of a measuring method for the determination of the the airtightness of houses. Airtightness measurements were carried out in sixhouses. Data on occurring ventilation was already available from other research. It appears that the pressurization test for the airtightness of houses can be used to determine the thermal quality of the home.

Air tightness and infiltration rates in houses.

Reports the results of investigations by researchers at the University of Osaka into the air tightness and infiltration rates in houses built with high levels of noise-reducing insulation.

Thermography in detection of air leakages and thermal insulation defects in the building envelope. Infrapunakuvaus rakennuksen ulkovaipan lammoneristysvirheiden ja ilmavuotojen maarittamisessa.

The first part of the study describes thermography generally as a method for non-destructive testing of a building envelope for thermal and air tightness properties. The study has resulted in a two stage testing method of which pressurizing is an essential part. The field study has shown that thetwo-stage method is suitable in detection of air leakages, showing that the major part of thermal defects in the building envelope are due to air leakages.
