Impact of ventilator parameters on system energy consumption.

The operation and performance of forced-air ventilation systems with the aid of a dynamic modeling and simulation computer program are presented. The functions and features of GEMS (Generalized Engineering Modeling and Simulation), a dynamic modeling and simulation software tool, are briefly described. Using GEMS, the effects of different ventilation airflow rates and sensible and moisture efficiencies on the thermal comfort environment within the conditioned space were analyzed.

Effect of control strategies on ventilation system performance.

Dynamic computer simulations were used to compare residential ventilation methods to identifyan approach that would improve indoor air quality with minimum energy penalty while maintainingcomfort.

Inpatient facility requirements.

This paper provides an overview of inpatient bedroom and support space criteria based on clinical requirements of care. Space requirements are described functionally as they relate to the level of care required or the acuity of the patient. For the purposes of this paper, and in the majority of cases, the level of care provided falls into one of two categories: acute care or intensive care.

Air quality in naturally ventilated buildings.

Currently one of the most rapidly growing areas receiving attention is energy efficiency in buildings. In this context naturally ventilated buildings are an inevitable design solution. This paper reports preliminary observations of a project aimed at investigating pollution levels within these type of buildings. Due to the difficulty of predicting and controlling the amount of suspended particles entering naturally ventilated buildings an understanding of the type of pollutants, their size and their composition is necessary.
