Reducing the permeability of residential duct systems.

In this paper, we investigate the potential of an aerosol-based technique to significantly reduce the leakiness of residential air distribution systems (ADS). The first part is dedicated to a short review of theoretical analyses of particle transport and deposition in an ADS as well as particle removal in the leaks. The purpose of this review is to pre-determine the ranges of the flow rates, pressure differentials and miscellaneous characteristics of the particles that would allow plugging of the leaks in a relatively short time.

Feasibility of ventilation heat recovery in retrofitting multi family buildings.

The work concentrated on estimating the effects of building leakages and terrain parameters on the air infiltration. The analysis was performed mainly using a multi zone airflow model Movecomp with which the building and its ventilation system could be described in detail. The computations were performed for a flat in a 418-storey building. The highest infiltration occurred in an untight two-facade flat in open terrain. The calculations gave valuable information on the effect of the location of the leakage.

Energy impacts of air leakage in US office buildings.

Airtightness and infiltration rate measurements in office and other commercial buildings have shown that these buildings can experience significant levels of air leakage [1,2]. The energy impact of air leakage in U.S. office buildings was estimated based on the analysis of a set of 25 buildings used in previous studies of energy consumption [3,4]. Each of these buildings represents a portion of the U.S. office building stock as of 1995.

An overview of the AIVC Numerical Data Base.

The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre s Numerical Database has been developed in response to a need to establish a core of numerical data suitable for design purposes and model validation. It has also been developed to provide a focus for

Air leakage of office buildings.

Presents the results of measurements of the air leakage of 12 large office buildings. Various different construction types have been tested, with four of the buildings being naturally ventilated and the remainder air-conditioned.
