Ventilated cooled-beam system with free cooling.

A new ventilated cooledbeam system concept with free cooling has been installed and monitored in a retrofitted office building in the Wartsila NSD Finland complex in Vaasa, Finland. Good indoor air quality and individual room temperature control has been achieved using ventilated cooled beams. Both cooling- and supplyair distribution functions were integrated in the same room unit. No extra costs were incurred for the low-energy system's freecooling loop.

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Building Energy Performance Simulation

An interconnection between a building energy performance simulation program and a Computational Fluid Dynamics program (CFD) for room air distribution will be introduced for improvement of the predictions of both the energy consumption and the indoor environment. The building energy performance simulation program requires a detailed description of the energy flow in the air movement which can be obtained by a CFD program.

Field measurements of interactions between furnaces and forced-air distribution systems.

Measurements on three gas and two electric furnaces have been made to examine the field performance of these furnaces and their interactions with their forced-air distribution systems. The distribution systems were retrofitted as part of this study, and the impact of retrofitting on furnace performance is discussed. In addition to field measurements, this paper discusses how forced-air furnace systems are treated in proposed ASHRAE Standard l 52P and applies the resulting equations to the systems tested in the field.

Impacts of air distribution system leakage in Europe: the SAVE duct European programme.

This paper gives an overview of duct leakage issues in Europe. A literature review indicates alack of ductwork air tightness measurement data in the member states. However, based on afew papers and above all on a field study on 22 duct systems in France, we conclude that theventilation and energy use implications of leaky ducts are large and merit furtherexamination. To this end, we have started the SAVE-DUCT project (1997-1998) aiming atstudying the potential implications of a tight air duct policy at the European level.

Air distribution in an office building as measured with a passive tracer gas technique.

A passive tracer gas technique - the homogenous emission technique was utilised formeasuring the air distribution in a part of an office building with displacement ventilation.Measurements were made during one winter period and one summer period. During thewinter period the ventilation was run continuously, while on/off regulation was used duringthe summer period.
