Evaluation of the COMIS model by comparing simulation and measurement of airflow and pollutant concentration.

This paper describes the measured and calculated results of airflow rates and pollutant concentration profiles in an airtight test house, the aim being to evaluate the calculation model COMIS for multizone air infiltration and pollutant transport. Firstly, the leakage areas of internal doors, exterior walls and windows were measured by the fan pressurization method. Secondly, two measurements were carried out, assuming that the test house consisted of ten zones.

Parameter estimation of unknown air exchange rates and effective mixing volumes from tracer gas measurement for complex multi-zone indoor air models.

The steepest descent and simulated annealing optimization techniques are used to simultaneously estimate the effective mixing volumes and air exchange rates of a large partition less building exhibiting heterogeneous spatial air flow conditions. The optimization is conducted using varying quantities and qualities of simulated tracer gas measurements. A simulated three-compartment system is numerically investigated to assess the performance of the parameter estimation methods.

Theoretical and Field Study of Air Change in Industrial Buildings

The air leakages can have a large impact on heating needs and thermal comfort in industrial buildings. This is sometimes poorly taken into account, both due to the lack of theoretical approach and knowledge of air tightness.

Air change rates in non residential buildings in California.

This report describes results from the first group of field measurements of the air change rate in 49 nonresidential buildings in the Stale o"f California. The air change rate measurements were made using a tracer gas method. Procedures were based on protocols developed in ''Protocol for Measuring the Air Change Rate in Non-residential Buildings." Purpose of the tests was to obtain preliminary data for determining the effect of the various California Energy Codes on the air change rates in non-residential buildings.

Protocol for measuring the air change rate in non residential buildings.

This report describes various measurement protocols to be used in the measurement of air change rates in non-residential buildings. The measurement protocols are based on the use of tracer gas techniques.

Performance appraisal of a ventilation system - a comparison of two methods.

The performance of a ventilation system, particularly that which is incorporated in centralised air-conditioning system, can be evaluated in several ways. The "ventilation efficiency and ventilation effectiveness" and "air exchange efficiency" are two of the most commonly employed methods in ventilation analysis.
