The current development in building energy efficiency towards nZEB buildings represents a number of new challenges to design and construction.
AIVC workshops
A collection with relevant material (presentations and/or papers) from workshops organized by AIVC.

Indoor exposure to contaminants should be minimized to avoid adverse health and comfort effects.

Although ventilation and airtightness are covered in most countries by various regulations focused on energy performance and/or indoor air quality, the effectiveness of these regulations is often called into question.

This seminar presented work by the IEA EBC Annex 62 which was an international collaborative project on ventilative cooling; it had a four year working phase (2012-2018) and contribution by representatives from 20 universities, research

There is a trend to perform more ventilation and air infiltration measurements in buildings, either to strengthen

Objectives: 1) Bring to light newest developments on sealing techniques, durability, test methods and analyses, challenges and solutions in high‐rise buildings, 2) Foster programmes and networking activities regarding airtightness issues

The current development in building energy efficiency towards nearly zero energy buildings represents a number of new

While it is generally accepted that a ventilation system in a building—whether natural, mechanical or hybrid—is needed to provide acceptable indoor air quality and prevent building damage, there are debates about the actual performance o