Radiant heating and cooling, including building component embedded systems, have become a common heating and/or cooling technology in the recent few years.
IBPSA 2003 - Eindhoven, Netherlands
International Building Simulation Conference 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Contains 190 papers.
Volume content
Embedded generation has been described as a “paradigm shift” in the way in which electricity is produced, with the focus of power production shifting away from large centralised generation plants to production of heat and power close
A study by Reinhart and Herkel showed term predictions of daylight availability in architectural spaces should take the conditions of all individual time steps into account.
The rapidly developing Internet broadband network offers new opportunities for deploying a range of energy, environment and health-related services for people in their homes and workplaces.
Modelling and simulation of physical ambient factors: noise and wind in tropical climate - contribution to optimized urban forms | 2003 | English
In tropical humid climate, thermal environment can be controlled using natural ventilation.
Simspark: an object-oriented enviroment to predict cuoped heat and mass transfers in building | 2003 | English
The non-uniform behavior of the air inside a room, which is important in comfort analysis, can be evaluated by zonal models.
The international building physics toolbox (IBPT) is a software library specially constructed for HAM system analysis in building physics.
The Design Analysis Integration (DAI)-Initiative aims to steer towards new solutions for design analysis integration.
Optimization of airflow regimes, energy efficiency and air quality in surgical operation theatres | 2003 | English
The present paper addresses and fosters the factors that affect airflow movement and energy efficiencies in the surgical operating theatres.
Air infiltration through revolving doors may have significant impact on the heating load of commercial and institutional spaces, and may create discomfort to people. This paper modifies a 40-year old model by Schutrum et al.
Recent advances in mathematical models, computer processors and OOP compilers have been motivating the development of the Domus program for whole-building hygrothermal simulation.
Experience of using building simulation within the design process of an architectural practice | 2003 | English
This paper documents work that follows on from a previous study [Morbitzer et al 2001] on the implementation of a simulation-tool into an architectural practice at outline design stage.
Indoor air humidity variations and its effects on the moisture performance of building envelope | 2003 | English
With the current enhancements moisture engineering analysis of building envelope structures becomes a critical design element.
A module for ice-based thermal energy storage (TES) systems has been developed and integrated within EnergyPlus.
Energy efficiency in buildings: a parameter for the thermal qualication of opaque building envelope | 2003 | English
A new parameter e (0≤e≤1), called coefficient of performance, is introduced, whose value quantifies the suitability of the distribution of resistive and capacitive layers in a multi-layer wall, within problems concerning thermal building-pla
H.e.n.k. a software tool for the integrated design of buildings and installations in the early design stage | 2003 | English
A good tuning between building and installations plays a major role in achieving energy savings and a high quality of the indoor climate.
Method for simulated of the performance of air-conditioning systems serving interior building zones | 2003 | English
This article presents a simulation method for predicting the long-term energy performance of a central air-conditioning system serving interior zones of buildings with similar daily cooling load profiles.
DIAL-Europe is the final product of a three year European project that ended in March 2003.
The most dominant moisture-related problem in building materials is probably mold growth. It occurs as a result of relatively high moisture concentrations.
This paper is about new features which where added to TRNSYS15 (Beckman, 2000) to improve its capabilities. For system simulations with TRNSYS15 now 6 new component libraries are available.