Seit kurzem wurde in Italien die offizielle Akkreditierung zum Messtechniker „RINA“ (entspricht TÜV in Italien) eingeführt, um die Basisqualifizierung von Gebäudeluftdichtheits-Messtechniker zu garantieren.
BUILDAIR Symposium 2012
This page lists the Proceedings (titles and abstracts) of the seventh International BUILDAIR Symposium on Building and Ductwork Airtightness , 11-12 May 2012, in Stuttgart, Germany.
Contains 23 titles and abstracts.
Volume content
The Blower Door measuring method "Bestimmung der Fugendurchlässigkeit von Fenstern und Fugen" used for decision of large buildings air tightness | 2012 | English
As operator of the Blower Door-test we often come in for a dilemma when government regulations shall be documented.
Rationale and pros and cons of various approaches for setting building airtightness requirements | 2012 | English
This paper analyses approaches for setting airtightness requirements whether in voluntary or regulatory schemes. We have classified approaches for upper limits into two major types: default values and minimum requirement.