Ecology in Architecture Design (EAD) is a project with the main aim of developing a blended (face to face lecturesplus online activities) learning course about how to integrate ecology in the architectural design, both at the level of a single bui
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference - Crete, Greece - 27-29 September 2007
The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.
Contains 247 papers
Volume content
A study on the energy efficency of libraries of the west and tejo valley region in portugal | 2007 | English
Library buildings offer special conditions to favor the adoption of low energy strategies.
This document describes the rehabilitation of the GeneralSecretariat Information Systems (GSIS building) and the description of the energy measures that were implemented aiming at the improvement of the buildingenergy performance and the indoor en
This project presents the performance of air washer chilled water coil system for a yarn industry .The basicprinciples including (1) effectiveness, (2) saturation efficiency and energy consumption for the systems are evaluated..
The use of phase change material (PCM) to improve the coefficient of performanceof a chiller for meeting domestic cooling in Wales | 2007 | English
This paper investigates the possibility of integrating thermal energy storage to the hot side of LiBr/H2O absorptioncooling system to cover 100% of peak cooling load for a three bedroom house on the hottest summer day in Cardiff, Wales.
This paper presents the basic parameters and energy flows of an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systemcombined with reversible water/water heat pumps used for heating and cooling the new hospital Klina (Antwerp Belgium).
Every time with major frequency grows the necessity of energy efficient buildings, adapted to their environment, which consume and contaminate as least as possible.In this study it has been analyzed and evaluated the thermal conditioning of two bl
The Project of Ponte da Pedra came out of an Ideas Competition, which is, by the beginning, a good indicatorof the high quality of the housing architecture of Ponte da Pedra.
Building envelope and heat capacity: re-discovering the thermal mass for winter energy saving | 2007 | English
In order to simplify the procedure for evaluating winter building energy performances, most of existing standard and rules make reference to the building energy balance under steady state conditions.
Use of genetic algorithms for the optimum selection of the fenestration openings in buildings | 2007 | English
The objective of this work is to find the optimum window-to-wall area ratio that minimizes the energy cost for cooling, heating and daylighting.
The buildings’ environment plays a very important role in health matters and the quality of life. A series of experimental measurements were carried out in the residential sector of the greater region of Athens.
Interpreting Building Simulation modelling data for Building Designers, with specificreference to the cooling demand | 2007 | English
The paper describes a method to show how Building Simulation data can be interpreted to provide informationthat is of use to non-Building Simulation experts involved in the design of low energy Buildings.The method uses a heat balance simulation t
The impact of different window configurations, natural ventilation and solar shadingstrategies on the indoor comfort level in simple rooms, in Mediterranean area. | 2007 | English
which is a typical residential building in the South MediterraneanSea. The house type is also representative for second home.
Thermal comfort under transient seasonal conditions of a bioclimatic building in Greece | 2007 | English
This paper presents the thermal comfort levels in a bioclimaticbuilding situated in the greater Athens area in Greece.
Macroclimatic forces have been important factors ever since man first constructed shelter.
The principal intention of the present study is the analysisof the both physical and social conditions of a rural community near to the City of Guadalajara in Mexico, with the purpose of establishing the environmental necessaryparameters to realiz
In many urban areas, pavements and roofs constitute over 60% of urban surfaces (roof 20-25%, pavements about 40%).
Solar gains are one of the most important factors of design for energy efficient buildings.
In modern, extensively glazed office buildings, due to high solar and internal loads and increased comfort expectations,air conditioning systems are often used even in moderate and cold climates.
Passive natural cooling techniques for wooden buildings in warm climate: case study | 2007 | English
The consequences of the global climate change are perceptible even in Italy, where in the last 15 years the mean temperature values increased of 0.4 °C in the northern part of the country and of 0.7°C in the southern one.