This paper will describe how the urban projects or the new master plans must consider the environmental impactof the proposed intervention and minimise them through a sustainable planning.
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference - Crete, Greece - 27-29 September 2007
The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.
Contains 247 papers
Volume content
Investigationofventilationmeasurement methodwas carried out in a full-scale test house. The aim of this study was to examine the ventilation rate via human expiration. The adopted method is able to measure multi-zone airflow rates.
Evaluation of the thermal behavior of two systems of ceilings: reinforced concrete and wather layer | 2007 | English
The objective of this work is to compare the thermal behaviorof two systems of beam ceilings used in the Collegeof Architecture of the Independent University of Chiapas - Mexico.
Widely known as urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, urban air temperatures tend to be higher than rural temperatures,due to the thermal performance of building materials and urban geometry, together with the productionof anthropogenic heat.
A convenient coupled simulation method for thermal environment prediction in naturally ventilated buildings | 2007 | English
As both CFD and building simulation have their own limitationsin the thermal prediction of natural ventilation.
A simplified tool for the energy certification of Italian existing dwellings. Comparativeand sensitivity analyses | 2007 | English
The article 6 clause 9 of the Italian Decree Law 192/05, that transposes the European Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD), supportsthe definition of simplified methods in order to carry out the energy certification o
The requirements for good indoor air quality and energyefficiency have often been considered to conflict with each other, however, buildings with low energy consumption in Europe seem to have also a lower rate of building related health symptoms.
Energy towersA renewable energy technology for producing electricity and desalinated water in arid climates | 2007 | English
“Energy Towers” is the name of a technology which was developed at the Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, to produce electricity in arid lands, taking its predicament - a lot of hot dry air - and turning it into an asset.
The goal of this study was to suggest a low-density typologyfor commercial buildings to be applied in the cultural and climatic context of Athens, Greece, with minimal demand for conventional cooling.
A heat island study of Athens using high-resolution satellite imagery and measurementsof the optical and thermal properties of commonly used building and paving materials | 2007 | English
In this study, high-spatial resolution multispectral satelliteimages collected over the metropolitan Athens area in Greece are used to generate a) a broadband albedo map depicting the albedo spatial variations across the metropolitan area, b) a ve
The creative design process supported by the restrictions imposed by bioclimaticand school architecture: a teaching experience | 2007 | English
This paper presents a design education experience, where the concepts of bioclimatic architecture were applied in a studio environment of the Architecture Course of UNICAMPin Campinas, Brazil.
The effect of shading in reducing the energy consumptionof office buildings in Athens is investigated in this article.
Real-time control of comfort in indoor spaces needs models of temperature distribution and air-velocity velocityfield. Currently, a one zone model is used assumingthat the temperature is homogenous in the whole space.
Modelling of double ventilated façades according to the CEN Standard 13790 method and detailed simulation | 2007 | English
The European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive(EPBD) encourages the use of technologies in buildings that can potentially improve their energy performance.Double ventilated faades can often have a positive contribution to this objective an
Towards a comprehensive methodology for Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE): A hot dry climate case study | 2007 | English
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is a platform developedin recent years to allow the systematic study of buildings once occupied, so that lessons may be learnt that will improve future design.
This paper describes an educational and experimental tool developed under LabVIEW environment at LASH/DGCB (France) laboratory of ENTPE.
The theory and practice of use quickly build of buildings in usual conditions and extreme situation : experience of Russia by 2007 | 2007 | English
To the greatest degree modern showed requirements are answered with characteristics of military buildings and constructions on the basis of collapsible constructive system Module which allows to form complexes of inhabited,industrial, public, ware
An analysis of the (BRE) average daylight factor and limiting depth guidelines as design criteria | 2007 | English
Following the study by V H C Crisp and P J Littlefair (CIBS, 1984)1 on Average Daylight Factor Prediction, the arguments for the use of average daylight factor as a design criterion are reviewed in light of new experimentalassessments.
This study presents the print office building E&B Engelhardtund Bauer GmbH in Karlsruhe, Germany before the refurbishment, the applied energy concept and first monitoring results from the operation of the low-energy cooling system employing ni
Modelling Building Envelopes in order to assess and improve their Thermal Performance | 2007 | English
It is of significant importance, for the health of building residents and the protection of the natural environment, to attain conditions of thermal comfort within buildings and reduce their energy demands for cooling or heating.