The 19th AIVC Conference, Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas, was held in Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998.

Contains 55 papers

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The book of proceedings from the 19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas", Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998.
Concentration of pollutants produced by car traffic in a street below the roof level has large spatial variations.
Flori J-P, Sacre C
Pre-assessing the reliability of ventilation systems is a dificult task and no simple methodshave existed. This paper presents a tool for estimating the reliability of domestic ventilationsystems.
Ruud S, Kronvall J
Natural ventilation in office buildings can sometimes offer other advantages than traditionalmechanical ventilation systems. Often natural ventilation systems are promoted at an earlystage by an architect, but perceived dificulties, e.g.
Kronvall J, Svensson C, Adalberth K
The principles of a new tracer gas technique is described in the paper. The new technique involves pulse injection of tracer gas and has the same advantages as the previously known homogeneous emission technique.
Stymne H, Boman C A
The goal of this project was to improve the quality of indoor air in a multistoried residentialbuilding of 81 flats built in 1960. The building is located in a heavily built urban area ofHelsinki.
Palonen J
Ventilation of buildings in urban areas may result in high internal concentrations of traffic pollutants if air intakes are positioned where external concentrations are highest.
Green N E, Etheridge D W
Based on the fundamental flow equations, a set of formulas is derived for air velocities, temperature differences and ventilation rates in relation to number of openings, opening areas, net heat input, building geometry, and temperature stratifica
Andersen K T
The paper presents further then an integrated model the supporting methodology that allowsto assess natural urban ventilation conditions both outside and inside constructions.Though some particular aspects arid procedures can be complex and time c
Marques da Silva F, Viegas J, Goncalves da Silva F, Santos P R, Saraiva J E
Filters for gaseous contaminants which are used inside HVAC systems are characterised by means of rated air flow rate, air motion resistance, trend of the mass efficiency versus time and holding capacity of the considered gas.
Anglesio P, Perino M, Tronville P
A dynamic simulation of the ventilation processes and the thermal behaviour of an office building is developed.
van Paassen A H C, Liem S H, Groninger B P
We examine natural ventilation in buildings with multiple storeys, each storey linked to acommon chimney or atrium, and ventilated using 'top-down chimneys' to draw in relativelyunpolluted air from openings located high above street level.
Hunt G R, Holford J M
To conduct a controlled trial to test the ability of a newly developed electrostatic air cleaningtechnology (EAC) to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as defined by levels of air borne particlesand to investigate the potential to reduce non-attenda
Rosen K G, Richardson G
Good airtightness of a building can be achieved by the incorporation of an inner sealing layerfor the exterior walls and roofs in the form of a plastic film, which also serves as a vapourbarrier.
Sikander E, Olsson-Jonsson A
This paper identifies successful ways of applying natural ventilation to non domestic buildings locatedin urban areas. Whilst noise and contaminant pollution sources are a problem methods of avoiding theseemissions are discussed.
Ajiboye P
Ventilation systems using variable airflow are useful in urban areas. Due to outdoor pollutionand the indoor load from pollution or thermal sources, it is important to vary the airflow.
Eriksson J B
This study describes how the air quality in a displacement ventilated classroom can beinfluenced by the position of a contaminating person, and by the activity of a person who walksaround in the room.
Mattsson M
Ventilation systems with heat recovery offer several advantages such as, of course, energy savings but also the possibility to add acoustic and filtration treatment.
Bernard A M, Lemaire M C, Spennato B, Barles P
The paper describes the results of a Pan-European survey carried out on identifying thebarriers that restrict the implementation of natural or simple fan-assisted ventilation systems inthe design of new office-type buildings and in the refurbishme
Aggerholm S
This paper is concerned with heat and mass transfer through two typical staircases, The firststaircase connects the two individual floors of a two-storey building, and the other connectsthe three individual floors of a three-storey building.
Peppes A A, Santamouris M, Asimakopoulos D N
