
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A study made to confirm the values given in german standard DIN 4701. considers theoretical natures of air permeability and the k-value as they concern windows.
Schule W.
Describes wind tunnel tests on cubical models with roof angles of 0, 15, 30 and 45 and on a wall placed in constant velocity and variable velocity air stream. Discusses the effect of velocity distribution on pressure distribution and wind loads.
Hamilton G.F.
Briefly reviews air leakage around windows. Discusses heat loss through windows, dependence of leakage on pressure difference across windows, effect of leakage on condensation.
Sasaki J.R. Wilson A.G.
Discusses the problems of sealing double glazing to reduce condensation between the panes. Describes sealed glazing unit and sealants used. Discusses causes of failures.
Wilson A.G. Solvason K.R.
Suggests use of an electron capture detector for the routine estimation of the SF6 content of a mixture of gases without preliminary chromatographic separation. Gives chromatogram illustrating method.
Gregory N.L.
Gives details of a method for determining the amount of radon emanating from a carbonate rock specimen. Analysis was first made with rock in solid form.
Gabrysh A.F. McKee N.D. Eyring H.
Discusses standards and testing procedures for window air and water tightness. Describes apparatus used at the Technical Centre for Wood.
Villiere M.
Describes experiments made to determine the air infiltration rate through revolving doors. Estimates infiltration by combining air leakage past the door seals with infiltration caused by the revolving of the door.
Schutrum L.F. Ozisik N. Baker J.T. Humphreys C.M.
Gives expression for the hourly air volume passing around a window due to pressure difference, and the total heat transference by infiltration. Describes tests made on site and in the laboratory on windows and discusses the resultant curves.
Schule W.
The use in metropolitan cities of increasing numbers of skyscrapers in which stack effects are large and entrance traffic heavy calls for a better design of entrance for controlling both infiltration and traffic.
Min T.C.
Examines ways in which air leakage affects building performance. Heating load and building relative humidity in winter are affected by over-all air infiltration and ventilation rates.
Wilson A.G.
Gives method for calculating air infiltration through window cracks. Calculates pressure drops across windows in buildings for four types of building and discusses resulting pressure differences. Gives values for crack width and length.
Harrison E.
In this paper, the statistical concepts of the stationary time series are used to determine the response of a simple structure to a turbulent, gusty wind. 
Davenport, A. G.
An analysis has been made of draft failure with residential heating units operating at low rates of combustion during mild, calm weather.
Wilson, A. G.
The quantity of air in several rooms lying in a stack connected by means of fresh air and exhaust air ducts is considered as a simple model of amultistorey building. Negative pressures set up within the rooms can be equalised by adjusting the
Rydberg J.
Describes a method for determining the rate of air change in a ventilated space using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas.
Oppl L. Vasak V.
Describes measurements of air change rates using radioactive krypton as a tracer gas in a domestic house. Reports measurement of air change rates for a single room heated by either an open fire or a central heating radiator.
Howland A.H. Kimber D.E. Littlejohn R.F.
This paper is a review of past and current research on the subject of wind loads.
Davenport A.G.
