Parkinson H, Wilczek J
Bibliographic info:
UK, London, Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), 1999, Proceedings of "Engineering in the 21st century - the changing world", CIBSE National Conference '99, held 4-5 October 1999, Harrogate International Centre, pp 145-152

This paper describes the current government activities relating to Photovoltaics in buildings as implemented in tbe DTI New and Renewable Energy Progranune. To set the context the paper starts with a brief review of the overall prospects for renewable energy in global, European and UK contexts. This is based on work previously undertaken for the DTI1. For comparison, the current state of deployment of renewable energy in the UK is reviewed. This then leads into a brief description of the UK government's programme on new and renewable energy. Activities in the programme relating to the application of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are then described.