Andreasi, W.A.
Bibliographic info:
Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings - Getting it Right, 27-30 April 2006, Windsor Great Park, UK

The present work was developed in 2005 in a Brazilian region of hot and humid climatewith volunteers performing sedentary activity. The predicted mean votes (PMV) , thethermal sensation votes (TSV) and the thermal preference votes (TPV) were acquired andcalculated according to the standards ISO7726 ISO7730 and ISO10551. PMV and TSVdid not show good correlation in naturally ventilated buildings. Differences were alsofound in those environments with the application of the methodologies proposed byHumphreys and Nicol and Fanger and Toftum. It was also researched an adjustmentequation to the PMV based in TSV that also resulted inadequate. The research alsoshowed that approximately 79% of the volunteers who took part in the experiment innaturally ventilated buildings preferred that the thermal environment changed while in theair-conditioned environment the percentage was of about 55%.