Søren Peper, Wolfgang Hasper
Bibliographic info:
12th International BUILDAIR Symposium, 25-26 June 2021

Content of the contribution
For a number of years now, the Passive House Institute (PHI) has been granting certifications ("Passive House certified components") for the numerous special products that are already available on the market to render a building airtight. The PHI does not carry out material testing – it assesses solutions that are typically used in most cases. It analyses the connections within the system as well as standard building products such as membranes, wood (OSB) and concrete surfaces. A sample of the airtight system that is connected to these building materials is produced in triplicate and checked for airtightness. The PHI works strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions and improve them, if necessary. Its analyses reflect the real-life situation on the construction site.

So far three areas have been analyzed: surface sealing (membrane, MDF boards, spray sealing), penetrations (cables and pipes) and window connections (solid and lightweight construction with wood and plastic windows). The products were analyzed and certified in all three areas. The results show that various products from different manufacturers are suitable, but also have peculiarities and limitations. In some cases, the products were revised together with the manufacturers which led to additional product improvements. If the products are used as specified, contractors and clients can expect the certified products to provide a very good airtight solution. 

This presentation gives an overview of the measurement results we obtained for the different products and manufacturers.

For further information please contact Søren Peper at: soeren.peper@passiv.de