The convective heat transfer coefficient around the human body is important for evaluating the effects that airflows exert on thermal comfort. However measuring it is generally difficult. Therefore, in this research, a thermal manikin was set up inside a wind tunnel simulating a ventilation environment. This was used to measure the convective heat transfer coefficient around the human body and the relationship between the effects of airflows and the thermal resistance of clothing under various clothing conditions. The results showed that the convective heat transfer coefficient near the thermal manikin was somewhat lower than the value obtained with the calculation formula used in the PMV calculation. It was also confirmed that the thermal resistance of clothing decreases due to the effects of airflows in the case of clothing with high permeability, as has been described in previous research.
A Study on the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient and Thermal Resistance of Clothing under Cross Ventilation

Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 10 N°2, September 2011