R. Lahrech, P.Gruber., P. Riederer, P. Tessier, J. C. Visier
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 7, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p. 1225-1232

CEN  TC247  has  prepared  draft  standards  for  main types of room controllers. These standards include a performance testing procedure that was designed to facilitate the introduction on the market of innovative controllers (adaptive controllers, fuzzy  controllers...). The test procedure is based on the connection of the real controller to be tested to a virtual building and technical plants. The objective of the study which is part of the European SIMTEST project [Simtest 98], [CEN 99] is the development of a testing method by emulation for control systems for heating ventilating and air conditioning applications. This study was focused on the development of numerical models of building and HVAC systems, which are the core of the test facility. The models developed are adapted to the needs of HVAC controller design and test. They take into account static and dynamic phenomena, which are necessary to assess, control functions in terms of comfort and energy consumption. These models are adapted to the test of all controllers, which are in the scope of the three draft standards CEN TC247, in particular to controllers for heating systems, fan coils, variable air volume systems and chilled ceilings. We present in this paper:

  1. The testing method developed including the simulated environment with its models, the interfaces and the test procedure,
  2. The validation of the testing method by inspection and comparison of the results obtained by emulation to the results obtained by real tests in a cell. Each application is tested with two different controllers: a high performance and low performance  controllers. The  same  controllers  are  used  in  the  two  different testing methods.