L.S Ding, X.M. Lai, Y.W. Jian, R.H. Wang, Y.T. Zhang, A.Q.Hu
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China

Using DeST Program, Simulation of Space Heating/cooling Load of two buildings has been conducted for Geo-Space Heating System using Gradient Utilization Techno- logy in university campus. Simulations were conducted in accordance with the different conditions: Temperatures & RH of Rooms, different sources of Weather Data, intensity of persons, Timetable of operation & Equipment, building constructions. Also measurement has been conducted using the measurement system. Then the comparisons between simulation & measurement were made. The range values of (HPF)Sys .h was 3-13, average value was 6-9 based per hour; The values of (HPF)Sys.d & (EER)Sys .d could be obtained through the comparison between measurement & simulation. (HPF)Sys.d values were obtained around 4~7,and (HSPF)Sys was around 5-6 for winter 2005-2006 & 2006-2007. In 2006 summer, consumption of electrical energy was obtained; (EER)Sys.d values based on per day was 2.5~5.3 .In accordance with the analysis of (HPF)Sys .d & (EER)Sys .d, the lower data always appeared in the periods of non-peak & lower load. It tells us where the potential of energy saving will be. The researchers noticed the quite difference between the simulation &  measurement& & try to search the reasons. More efforts & more suggestions will be made for increasing the values of HSPF)Sys & (SEER) )Sys of the systems.