Abraham Yezioro, Oren Shapir, Guedi Capeluto
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2011, Sydney, Australia

The Israeli standard 5282 for energy rating of buildings includes, besides a Prescriptive path, a Performance Approach that requires using an hourly energy simulation model to demonstrate compliance.  In this work, we present the development of a Graphical User Interface (GUI), in which most of the expert knowledge needed to run such complex simulation model is embedded in it. The output of the evaluation is a certificate specifying the energy rating of each unit in the building, as well as the energy rating of the whole building. Although IS5282 includes different building types, in this work we will demonstrate the tool using the Residential building type.  One of the advantages of the system is that it suits any stage of the design process and not only the detailed one. In such a way, the user can design buildings being more aware of the energy performance features and their impact on the energy performance of the building. The GUI has been adopted by the Standards Institution of Israel for energy rating of buildings. The paper presents the tool, ENERGYui, and its application demonstrated with a case study.