A roof is one of the most importantcharacteristics of Thai architecture especiallyin a house, traditionally. Also, the roof is apart of the house that mainly effects energysaving due to heat allowance pass through andrelease from indoor space. The study, basedon model experiments, targets to find out theeffects of roof forms on indoor air temperature.The purpose is to give information for roofform types selection in Thai Houses. Models,lxlxl meter boxes, are used for theexperiments by changing their roof forms forcomparison. Four types of roof forms,typically used in Thai houses, are selected forthe experiments. Those types are gable roof,hip roof, lean-to roof, and flat roof.Temperatures in the middle of the boxes arerecorded for the analyses. The results showedthat the temperature in the flat roof box is thehighest in the middle of the day. However, itdropped fastest in night-time. During thedaytime, temperatures in the box of the otherroof forms are not much different, while thetemperatures in the gable roof model droppedlikely faster than the rest. This study givesinformation for the users in selecting roofforms for their houses.
Roof Forms for Energy Saving in Thailand
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008