Hans Janssen, Staf Roels
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2009, Glasgow, Scotland

The significance of interior humidity in attaining sus-tainable, durable, healthy and comfortable buildings is increasingly recognised. Any interior humidity evalu-ation requires a qualitative and/or quantitative assess-ment of interior moisture buffering.  This paper intro-duces the production-adaptive characterisation of the moisture buffer potential of single elements and cor-roborates their superposition toward a room-enclosu-re moisture buffer potential.  It is verified that this al-lows qualitative comparison of enclosures in relation to interior moisture buffering.  It is moreover demon-strated that it forms an alternative basis for quantitati-ve evaluation of interior moisture buffering by the ef-fective moisture penetration depth and effective ca-pacitance models.  The presented methodology uses simple and fast measurements only, and can also be applied to multimaterial and/or multidimensional in-terior elements. The in-situ determination of this buf-fer potential is presented in a complementary paper.