Maarten Sourbron, Stefan Antonov, Lieve Helsen
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2013, Chambéry, France

This paper presents a sensitivity analysis of Model based Predictive Control (MPC) performance, with the final goal to rank the building and system parameters influencing the robustness of the MPC. For a building with Concrete Core Activation (CCA), the potential of MPC is assessed and the parameters (prediction val-ues of ambient temperature, solar radiation and occu-pancy; measurement accuracy of zone and CCA tem-peratures; cost function values of the CCA or AHU production units; system constraints such as avail-able thermal power of the production units) are var-ied within typical uncertainty ranges and the change in control performance is investigated. The resulting parameter ranking serves as a priority list for future improvement of MPC robustness.