Haque M A, Halldane J F
Bibliographic info:
Sweden, Stockholm, KTH Building Services Engineering, 1998, proceedings of Roomvent 98: 6th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, held June 14-17 1998 in Stockholm, Sweden, edited by Elisabeth Mundt and Tor-Goran Malmstrom, Volume 1

Future information age technology will demand cleaner and more cleanrooms for the manufacture, assembly and repair of electronic components. Many special processes can be very sensitive to trace contaminants which are not removed by conventional air conditioning, filtering and distribution. High efficiency particulate air filters, high velocity streamline air flows, relatively dry air, clean ducts and plenums, cooling, noise reduction and perhaps disinfection are needed. Tropical countries with high humidities and airborne biological contaminants impose additional problems in particulate load, dehumidification, condensation, corrosion and environmental health. We look at how these may pass over into cleanrooms.