Sonderegger Robert C.
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Madison, USA, 1995, p. 507-513

Modern, Message-Based operating systems with Graphic User Interfáces have spurred tremendous advances in software development. Usability, connectivity, and transparency of software has increased, as has the transfarability of the skills learned in one application to another. 
Building Simulation software developers have ample opportunity to profit from the advanced technology that is now available, such as sophisticated edit controls, helpful concepts such as Cue Help and Wizards, and the powerful modularizations made possible by Dynamic Link Libraries. 
A number of these concepts are discussed in detail and applications to building energy simulation are presented. To embrace these applications will require a change on the part of building simulation software developers away from vertical integration (developing HVAC calculations and all data 1/0 aspects), toward opportunistic integration of commercially available modules for all data 1/0 to better be able to focus on the issues pertaining to HVAC.