Papakonstantinou K A, Kiranoudis C T, Markatos N C
Bibliographic info:
Slovenia, Maribor, University of Maribor, 1998, proceedings of Third SITHOK-3 International Congress, May 9-11, 1998, Maribor, Slovenia, pp 181-187

This paper deals with the simulation of VOCs concentration dispersion emitted from flooring material, with the purpose of understanding vocs emission and dispersion mechanisms. A test chamber is examined, whose flooring material emits a number of VOCs. Given the area specific ventilation rate and considering as boundary conditions experimental data for the examined compounds concentration, the dispersion of the vocs concentrations is examined, for two cases, steady state conditions and transient state conditions. The model developed is used in conjunction with a general - purpose CFD code, PHOENICS, that can provide detailed information on the flow field as well as pollutants concentrations fields. The results of the above two simulation cases are used as a guide for two other cases, where faster restoration of the air indoor quality was investigated by changing the rate of the ventilation system in the chamber. The simulation results could be used as a base for further analysis for other flooring materials, intending to a proper material selection as well as to a proper ventilation system for a more healthy and comfort environment in a building.