Akihito Ozaki, Myonghyang Lee, Yuko Kuma
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2011, Sydney, Australia

Many simulation software to predict thermal environment of buildings, such as temperature, humidity, heating and cooling load of building spaces, have been developed. However, most of them do not take into account moisture transfer in wall assemblies. Humidity calculation in most software is simply affected by ventilation and focuses on just the building spaces. Then, sensory index such as standard new effective temperature is even excluded from calculation. A Heat, Air and Moisture (HAM) simulation software called THERB has been developed for the purpose of estimating the hygrothermal environment within buildings. This software has complete HAM features including principles of moisture transfer within walls. In this paper, the prominent features of THERB are highlighted. The calculation accuracy is verified through the comparison with monitoring results of a residential building. The difference of hygrothermal environment is clarified based whether or not moisture sorption and desorption of walls are incorporated. Sensitive analysis utilizing THERB is performed with the differences of calculation models on heat and moisture transfer and incident solar radiation into indoor surfaces. Furthermore thermal comfort under non-uniform thermal environment is indicated as the sensory index.