C. O. R. Negrão, C. O. Carvalho Fo., C. Melo
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 6, 1999, Kyoto, Japan, p. 361-368

In  the  present  work,  human  thermal  comfort  is investigated within the built environment. The analysis is based on two building thermal simulation models. In the first one - Nodal Network – the air condition (such as, air temperature and velocity) within each thermal zone is assumed uniform and therefore, all zone occupants are exposed to the same condition. In the second model – Nodal Network- CFD coupling – mean radiant temperature, air temperature and velocity variations are considered. This approach allows the evaluation of comfort conditions of all individuals within the same zone. Sensation of draught can also be computed from the distributed results. The application of the developed approach is demonstrated by test cases; a window type air-conditioning unit is employed to control the air  temperature  of  a  four-zone building in  both cooling and heating seasons.